Tink and I were inactive for a year and a half. No one came by until the elders got word through family that we sent a Christmas card to one of Tink's non-JW sisters. They hounded us to come to a JC meeting which I refused on the basis that I already talked to two Elders at our door and explained that Tink was going through severe depression and was being treated by professional's and that she was not mentally capabile of going before a JC meeting. I told them to just leave my family businees to me and that I would give Tink the proper care she needs. They gave us exactly two months and then started hounding us with a much more vigorous attitude. We were to show up at a certain time and date or we would be considered as DA'ing ourselves...I simply told them to do what they had to do. They announced that we DA'ed ourselves a week later. Later on we found out that everyone assumed that we wrote a letter, showing that the Elders did nothing to explain what really happened.
I have a gut feeling that their motive is to find more recent ones who became inactive and badger them into a trap that leads to DA'ing. They never asked the question if we considered us being JW's. Tink did say over the phone to one of them that if given an ultimatum as to weather to come to a JC or no longer being considered a JW, she would have to choose the later. But she was not conclusive. They make their own rules, we all know that. We stuck to our guns and let the cards fall as they might. We were dealt pretty damn good ones too!!!..Happy to be free from mind control!!